This Year

I have a couple specific possibilities for this year, but only a couple things are certain…

First off, I decided to have my own special fast for the year. I am not drinking soda unless mixed with something (Example: punch). I have only had to have one cup of soda when I was sick thus far. The second fast is especially targeting fast food that I frequent far too often with where I live currently. I am not doing fast food for the most part. I have a couple special places, but even those have barriers on them. These 2 fast items I have specifically chosen for my health. Obviously that is not all I need to work on, but it’s a start and a challenge. It is helping me in denying myself of things I don’t need. It can be a hard lesson to learn, but an important one that I need; also, it is better to learn it sooner rather than later.


Second, I am still at Sandy Cove Ministries until toward the end of summer. I have been here for over two and a half years thus far and I can once again feel the Lord’s pull telling me to move on. Where I am moving onto is still up in the air a little, so I’ll wait until there’s a definite decision before I let you know. (I’ll write more about the pull at a later time as well). I have also been able to enjoy the companionship of a furry friend these last few months. His name is Storm and he is about a year old now. He is a big boy and very sweet.


The third thing also fits under the list of things I need to work on, and that is fitness. A little under a month ago I started on a few 30 day fitness challenges.. It has been difficult for multiple reasons: beginning with the lack of motivation I often have and ending with the physical discomfort. One of them is:


As hard a time as I can have pushing through when I want to stop, it has been encouraging to be able to see a change. I want a bigger change, but I know I have to keep working at it if I truly want to see the change take place. That is one of the reasons for my already planning a couple of the fitness challenges for the summer. Not the same challenges and they won’t be the only workouts that I do, but one of the hardest things for me is starting the workout. Once I’m going, it’s easier for me to think of another workout to do, but starting each day is not. These various fitness challenges force me to start moving.

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